Monday, May 4, 2015

The Mother of All Days!

This image was found on google and kind of summarizes the paradox of this holiday.  Enjoy this podcast episode as we talk with women about what the day means for them.


  1. I wrote this last year. I am a big fan of my children letting me know they love and appreciate me - which they do - BUT - I am not a fan of a holiday that reinforces a stereotype woman and mother - that I believe is not accurate nor healthy.

    1. I read it last year and really agree. Did you listen to the podcast? What did you think?

  2. fourth time is the charm. Yes - I love it and am your biggest fan. I would like you specifically to offer some intellectual insight into each subject and maybe end with unusual - but surprising wisdom.


    1. Feel free to keep the suggestions coming . . . we are learning more and more each week about the process of making a podcast and the editing and we have a running list of potential topics. Also, feel free to share about it on facebook!!!! ;)

  3. What I mean for just an example - a short introduction on the history behind MD and do other countries celebrate it, something like that to start. And then to end with something probably already written - like - As mothers I think it is important that we teach our children to honor us - Mother's Day can be a part of that or not, but we need to value our role and when we value who we are and what we contribute - then it is easier to teach our children to not only love and respect us, but to love and respect themselves.
